2016 Invited Speakers
Second Annual DISSH Symposium
Digital Innovation and Scholarship in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Invited Speakers and Panelists
Mary Battle is the Public Historian at the College of Charleston’s Avery Research Center for African American History and the Co-Director of the Lowcountry Digital History Initiative (LDHI). She received her PhD from Emory University’s Institute for the Liberal Arts in 2013, and her dissertation examines changing representations of the history of slavery on historic tourism sites in Charleston, South Carolina. Her research interests include: public history, digital humanities, oral history, American Studies, Atlantic World history, and history of the South Carolina Lowcountry.
Susan Bergeron is an Assistant Professor of Geography in the Department of Politics and Geography at Coastal Carolina University. Susan earned her MA and PhD in Geography from West Virginia University and an MA in History from Syracuse University. Her research interests include immersive simulation and 3D landscape reconstruction, geovisualization, virtual heritage, GIScience and the humanities, and geospatial technologies in education. Susan has co-authored publications on the Geospatial Web and GIS, geovisualization in the humanities, and 3D virtual heritage for the ancient site of Delphi, Greece. She is currently working on a 3D immersive virtual heritage platform for Hampton Plantation in South Carolina and is also involved in the development of a new Digital Humanities-focused undergraduate program at CCU, which is offering a BA in Digital Culture and Design.
Since 1989, PHI KAPPA PHI KEYNOTE SPEAKER David Bodenhamer has been (founding) Executive Director of The Polis Center and Professor of History at IUPUI. Prior to his appointment, he was Professor of History and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at the University of Southern Mississippi (1976-1988). During his tenure, the Polis Center has developed over 500 projects and a wide array of local, national, and international partnerships, with grant and contract funding of over $75 million. He has served as strategic and organizational consultant to universities, government agencies, and not-for-profit and faith-based organizations across the U.S. and in Europe. An active researcher, Bodenhamer is author or editor of 12 books and has published over 30 journal articles and chapters in books. He has made over 75 presentations to audiences on four continents on topics ranging from legal and constitutional history to the use of GIS and advanced information technologies in academic and community-based research. Among his books in American constitutional and legal history are Fair Trial: Rights of the Accused in American History (Oxford University Press, 1993), Our Rights (Oxford University Press, 2007), and The Revolutionary Constitution (Oxford University Press, 2012). Bodenhamer’s work in the new field of spatial humanities includes The Spatial Humanities: GIS and the Future of Humanities Scholarship (Indiana University Press, 2010) and Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives (Indiana University Press, 2015), in addition to a dozen published essays. Both books were developed with Professors John Corrigan (religious studies) and Trevor Harris (geography), his collaborators in the interdisciplinary Virtual Center for Spatial Humanities (VCSH), an institutional partnership among Florida State University, West Virginia University, and IUPUI. Bodenhamer serves as co-director of the VCSH, which he created with Corrigan and Harris in 2008 to advance the field of spatial humanities. He also serves as co-general editor of the Indiana University Press Series on Spatial Humanities and co-editor of the IJHAC: A Journal of the Digital Humanities (formerly the International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, Edinburgh University Press).
Tim Bucknall is Assistant Dean of Libraries at UNC-Greensboro, where he runs an IT department that develops digital projects in collaboration with faculty. He holds the M.L.S. and M.A. (Art History) from UNC-Chapel Hill. Tim is an inventor of the first journal link resolver, a technology now in use in nearly every major academic library around the world. He also founded and created the Carolina Consortium, a group of nearly 200 libraries that saves nearly $250 million annually through collective purchasing of electronic resources and services. He is the recipient of the IGI Library Technology Excellence Award, the North Carolina Library Association Significant Achievement Award, and the UNC SILS Distinguished Alumnus Award, and in 2014 Tim was named the national Academic Librarian of the Year.
Lida Cope is a professor of applied linguistics and director of undergraduate studies in the Department of English at East Carolina University. Her research interests include Texas Czech, immigrant/heritage community language documentation, revitalization and maintenance, and language and ethnic identity. She has published on child first language attrition and on the issues of language, culture and identity in Czech Moravian communities in Texas. An external research associate at the University of Texas at Austin, Cope directs the Texas Czech Legacy Project (http://www.laits.utexas.edu/txczechproject/home) aimed at developing an open-access digital archive for the unique Texas Czech dialect.
Thomas Herron is Associate Professor of English at East Carolina University in NC. He has published many works on Edmund Spenser, William Shakespeare and Ireland as well as Ireland in the Renaissance, which was the focus of an exhibit he co-curated at the Folger Shakespeare Library in 2013. He is writer and director of the interdisciplinary website “Centering Spenser: A Digital Resource for Kilcolman Castle” (http://core.ecu.edu/umc/Munster/).
Jeffrey Johnson is Professor of English at East Carolina University, where he teaches courses in British Renaissance literature. He is the author of The Theology of John Donne, as well as numerous publlshed essays on Donne and his contemporaries. In addition, Johnson is the General Editor of The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, which is funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. A significant feature of the Donne project is “DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum” (http://digitaldonne.tamu.edu/), which is the topic of his presentation for the DISSH Symposium.
Austin Mason is the Robert A. Oden Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovation in the Liberal Arts and Digital Humanities at Carleton College, where he teaches courses in history and digital humanities and works with students, faculty and staff to build a robust Digital Humanities program that fosters both digital scholarship and pedagogy on campus. An early medieval historian by training, his interdisciplinary research agenda encompasses religious history, material culture, archaeology and the digital humanities. Mason received his PhD from Boston College in 2012 for a thesis that leveraged archaeological evidence (like bones, brooches, and buckets) and cutting-edge GIS mapping techniques to rewrite the history of the Anglo-Saxon conversion as a complex story of locally-negotiated, lived religious practices. Prior to Carleton, he taught in the history department at the University of Minnesota, where he maintains active affiliations as a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Consortium for the Study of the Premodern World. He is also the associate conference director for the Haskins Society and founder of its Digital Humanities @ Haskins workshop series.
Jennifer McKinnon is an Assistant Professor in the History Department’s Program in Maritime Studies and has a background in historical and maritime archaeology and cultural heritage management. Prior to teaching at ECU, she was a Senior Lecturer in Flinders University’s Program in Maritime Archaeology in Australia and a Senior Underwater Archaeologist with Florida’s Bureau of Archaeological Research. Jennifer has worked in the US, Australia and the Pacific on archaeological projects ranging from the colonial period to WWII. She recently co-edited (with Dr. Toni L. Carrell) a book with Springer Press entitled, Underwater Archaeology of a Pacific Battlefield: The WWII Battle of Saipan (2015), that showcases her community archaeology, ethics, and digital humanities research agenda on submerged and terrestrial WWII heritage.
Sarah Melton is the Digital Projects Coordinator at the Emory Center for Digital Scholarship. As a digital humanities practitioner, Sarah is interested in digital publishing and open source advocacy movements. She is the digital publishing strategist of the open access journal Southern Spaces (http://www.southernspaces.org), a journal about the regions, places, and cultures of the US South and their global connections. In addition, Sarah is a managing editor of the Atlanta Studies Network (http://atlantastudies.org), an open access, digital publication and resource hub for research about the city of Atlanta. She is also the community and advocacy coordinator for the Open Access Button (http://www.openaccessbutton.org).
Liz Milewicz heads the Digital Scholarship Services department in Duke University Libraries, where she most recently has helped to plan and launch a new space for research called The Edge (http://library.duke.edu/edge). She and other members of the Digital Scholarship Services team partner with researchers and students on digital research, teaching, and publishing projects (http://sites.duke.edu/digital) and provide training and consulting in digital approaches to scholarship. Before coming to Duke in 2011, Liz managed two NEH-funded digital humanities projects at Emory University — The Expanded Online Transatlantic Slave Trade Database (http://slavevoyages.org) and African Origins (http://african-origins.org) and worked with the Emory Libraries on a range of digital library initiatives.
Susannah Ottaway is Professor of History at Carleton College. She served as the History department chair and was the Bryn-Jones Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities in 2011-14. As the Director of the Humanities Center at Carleton, she oversaw a collaborative Mellon Planning Grant on Digital Humanities with St. Olaf and Macalester Colleges in 2012-14, implementing a new Digital Humanities Associates program for undergraduate students. her research has focused on the history of old age and social welfare in eighteenth-century England. Her publications include The Decline of Life: Old Age in Eighteenth-Century England and an 8-volume set of primary sources on old age in England, 1500-1800, as well as a number of articles related to the history of medicine and social welfare. She teaches courses on the French Enlightenment and Revolution, Irish history, Early Modern Britain, and the History of Poverty and Social Welfare, as well as survey courses on Early Modern Europe.
Jesse Rouse is an Instructor in the Department of Geology and Geography at the University of North Carolina-Pembroke where he teaches a broad range of courses including world regions, cultural geography, geospatial technologies, and world prehistory. Jesse’s research spans the culture/technology divide through the use of various methods including geospatial, geoscience, and online technologies to interpret and represent past and present landscapes. One of the key aspects across his work is the consideration of experience and how it can be captured or conveyed through digital representations.
David Staley is an Associate Professor of History and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Design at The Ohio State University, where he serves as Director of the Goldberg Center for Excellence in Teaching. He is the author of three books: Computers, Visualization and History; History and Future: Using Historical Thinking to Imagine the Future; and Brain, Mind and Internet: A Deep History and Future. His research interests include digital history, the philosophy of history, historical methodology, and the history and future of higher education.
Jolanda-Pieta van Arnhem, Instructional Design Librarian, College of Charleston Libraries, and Instructor for the College of Charleston, obtained her M.F.A. from Vermont College of Fine Arts and her M.L.I.S. from the University of South Carolina. Jolanda contributes her expertise to the Digital Scholarship and Services Department at the Library, providing instruction for faculty, staff, and students regarding information technology utilization and digital scholarship tools for research and classroom use in the arts and humanities. She is a member of the American Library Association and the editor of Mobile Apps in Libraries for The Charleston Adviser. She will be presenting “Interactive Art Zines: Augmenting First Year Experience Sculpture” at the Eleventh International Conference on the Arts in Society in August of 2016 and is currently participating in an autoethnography learning community organized by Anne-Marie Deitering from Oregon State University Libraries, Rick Stoddart from the University of Idaho, and Bob Schroeder from Portland State University, who are co-editing a book for ACRL Publications. The collection of essays that result from the diverse learning community will explore autoethnography as a research method in LIS and is due out in 2016.
Carl Wise is an Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies at the College of Charleston, and he received his PhD in Romance Languages at the University of Georgia. His research focuses on political and ideological discourse of Spain’s Atlantic empire, as well as early modern Spanish theater.
Dan Zuberbier is the Education & Instructional Technology Librarian at East Carolina University’s Joyner Library. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2005 and his Masters in Library and Information Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2013. Prior to working at East Carolina University, he was a high school Social Studies teacher and School Library Media Specialist in Arizona and an Intervention Specialist for at-risk students in Michigan. His research interests include online research and reading comprehension and assisting educators of all levels with integrating technology into their classrooms.