The Humanities and Technology Camp Schedule

DISSH THAT Camp posterFriday, October 26

Coffee, Joyner Library 2409


Lightning Talk Presentations
Marylaura Papalas, ECU “Digital Magazine for Literature & Art”
Juan Escourido, ECU “Medieval Marginalia and Teaching Today. Experiences with”
Nathan Kelber, UNC CH “Please Join Us! The Triangle Digital Humanities Network and Institute”
Elizabeth LaFave, ECU “Reading’ Fashion in A. Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin” using Omeka
Irina Swain, ECU “Digital Barcelona Project” using Omeka
Lucia Binotti, UNC CH “Amirabilia, the First Location Based Platform for Experiential Education”


Schedule Building for Group Discussions


Coffee Break


Group Discussions
Study Room 2205, Facilitator Donna Kain. Topic________________________________
Study Room 2206, Facilitator Irina Swain. Topic_________________________________
Study Room 2207, Facilitator Juan Escourido. Topic______________________________


Lunch, Joyner Library 2409
Discussion: Future of DISSH


Keynote Speaker
Dr. Lucia Binotti, Professor of Spanish, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill “Experimental Humanities. The Revolutionary Future of Education”


Group Discussions
Study Room 2205, Facilitator Donna Kain. Topic________________________________
Study Room 2206, Facilitator Irina Swain. Topic_________________________________
Study Room 2207, Facilitator Laurie Godwin. Topic______________________________


Lunch, Joyner Library 2409
Study Room 2205, Facilitator Juan Escourido. Topic_____________________________
Study Room 2206, Facilitator Katy Webb. Topic_________________________________
Study Room 2207, Facilitator Donna Kain. Topic________________________________



Summary of the day, Joyner Library 2409

Group Dinner Downtown

Saturday, October 27


Coffee Joyner Library 2409


Ongoing Projects’ Showcase/Walk Around Campus


3D Printing Lab Joyner Library


College of Engineering and Technology Labs


Foreign Languages & Literatures Resource Center Lab,
Conference Room 3321, Virtual Reality demo (Irina Swain)




Christenbury Gym
Virtual Reality Tour of Kilcolman Castle (Tom Herron)


Bate 2003 (Juan Escourido)


Bate 2009
Story Maps (Rob Howard)


Bate 2011
Omeka (Irina Swain/Laurie Godwin)


Group Lunch Downtown

About the Workshops
enables sentence-level note taking or critique on top of news, blogs, scientific articles, books, terms of service, ballot initiatives, legislation and more. is free, open, non-profit, open sources, and neutral. A conversation layer over the entire web that works everywhere, without needing implementation by any underlying site.


Virtual Reality Tour
demonstrates the latest developments in the teaching module Dr. Herron’s team developed for Oculus Go and Microsoft Hololens headsets. Both devices can be used to display a 3-D model of Kilcolman castle from the Centering Spenser website.


Esri Story Maps
use Geographic Information System (GIS) tools to combine geospatial data with photos, video, audio, and text to visualize a theme or sequential events. Story maps are designed for nontechnical audiences with access to the Internet and serve as a great tool for public engagement because they can easily be shared via social media or embedded within a website.


is a free, open source content management system for online digital collections. The web-based application allows users to publish and exhibit cultural heritage objects and use themes and plugins.


About the Keynote Speaker

Dr. Lucia Binotti is a cultural historian, an X-Humanist and an EdTech entrepreneur whose most recent academic work focuses on mapping the institutional and curricular implications of integrating emerging-technologies as methodological and experimental tools for the advancement of the new Humanities. Binotti teaches about Intellectual History, Cultural and Socio-Linguistics, and the Renaissance. Her books and articles are recognized for close analysis of the printed communication that evolved in response to technological advances during the early modern period in Italy and Spain, and as cultural discussions about how the printing press changed learning, thinking, and culture in the Early Modern period.

In 2003, Binotti designed and has since directed one of the country’s top-ranked study abroad programs, the Honors Carolina Summer Renaissance in Rome, renowned for its unique technology enabled pedagogy and its rigorously classic yet fully experiential curriculum. In 2011, Gnovis—Binotti’s project on data visualization for Humanities research—was awarded an NEH Digital Innovation Startup grant. Her socially engaged digital socio-linguistics project Entiendelo was supported by a Mellon Digital Innovations Grant in 2014.

Binotti is the founder of two EdTech startups. RoadAmico (2014-2018) was a web-based platform that added a digital spatial dimension and digital co-collaborative features to sets of conventionally organized learning materials. Amirabilia is the world’s first adventure-based learning platform for experiential education. Amirabilia harnesses the power of emerging technologies to create immersive learning environments and builds unparalleled geo-located learning adventures that bring real-world and digital objects, places, and people to life.